@grid: 1 / 100%; background: @doodle( :doodle { @grid: / 10000px; transform: scale(1.5) rotate(45deg); } background-color: #B87D4B; background-size: 200px 200px; background-image: @doodle( @grid: 10 / 100%; :after, :before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; @size: @r(10%, 50%) 1px; transform: rotate(@r(360deg)); transform-origin: 0 50%; background: currentColor; color: @pick(#0009, #FFF9); } ); );

Hi there, friends and strangers!

this is my blog/portfolio/website/something or other


i like having a little website where i can put things into the world.

let me know if you have a nice website by contacting me. ideally, you can appear to me in a dream, but i will accept any other form of communication that you know me by - some options are Mastodon, Discord, or email!

<3!!! - Harper / l0velace

Removing Bloatware - a TLDR

In which I get a new phone, and learn how to fix it.

tags: tldr investigation code android

Meet My Paintings

I’m slowly becoming a hobbyist art collector - come see what I’ve got so far!

tags: art investigation

University Team Projects: Not Even Once

Learning project management skills, the hard way.

tags: project university code

Global Hack Week

Back with MLH again for Global Hack Week: Share.

tags: hackathon mlh code

From the Archive: Wurms

The story of a bouncy ball physics sim, and why you should redesign physics.

tags: project archive code